
Wholesale World Congress

Wholesale World Congress

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Exploring the Global Telecom Landscape:
HORISEN’s Success at WWC 2023 in Madrid

Madrid, Sept. 22, 2023, WWC – HORISEN, a software technology house based in Switzerland, has been attending Wholesale World Congress 2023 in Madrid, Spain for the last three days.

The WWC is the largest meeting conference for Wholesale SMS globally and it is attended by the most important wholesale telecom industry players – from carriers, mobile/wireless operators, ISPs, VoIP providers to technology partners from the SMS, voice, data satellite, etc.

HORISEN has been participating in the WWC as a silver sponsor with three booths (2 at Room Tapices and 7&8 at Room El Patio) and 14 people from C-level management to sales, CRM and marketing. With its broad spectrum of cutting-edge, multi-award-winning messaging technology solutions, HORISEN team has been meeting prominent SMS wholesale professionals, providing them with more information about its powerful Messaging Suit.

WWC 2023

As the Congress is mostly about wholesale, no wonder HORISEN SMS Platform has got the most attention from WWC participants. Its high scalability, robustness as well as vendor-neutrality impress messaging technologists who are interested in solutions that can grow with their business. User-friendly and fully featured are also characteristics they stress when it comes to HORISEN SMS Platform.

HORISEN Business Messenger also attracted a lot of attention of WWC participants with its omnichannel, sales-driven features. The broad spectrum of channels it offers, as well as its powerful campaign manager and the possibility of two-way communication, made an impression on these professionals.

Professional SS7 Platform, MNP Lookup Service and SS7 Signalling Service with its separate booth No 2 at Room Tapices, aroused a lot of interest of the international wholesale community participating in WWC which proves a great level of necessity of the telco industry to have SS7 infrastructure.

At the end of the event, HORISEN team is very satisfied with the turnout at its booths and the interest of international wholesale professionals in its Messaging Suite. A wide range of MNOs, MVNOs, Carriers, SMS Aggregators and other enterprises that have expressed their interest for HORISEN software is another proof that messaging industry nowadays, strives for state-of-the-art messaging technology solutions to support their businesses.

For more information contact us  or check our event calendar

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