
HORISEN welcomes a new Messaging Superhero on board – LINK Mobility

HORISEN welcomes a new Messaging Superhero on board – LINK Mobility

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Europe’s leading provider within mobile communications

December 2019: HORISEN AG, a pure product house specialising in messaging technology, signed an agreement with LINK Mobility, Europe’s leading provider within mobile communications, specializing in messaging, digital services, and intelligent data usage.

LINK Mobility Group recognized HORISEN as a valuable and trustworthy company a few years ago when HORISEN was still involved in the SMS trading business. In 2017, LINK Mobility Group acquired Horisen Messaging AG as a carve-out of the SMS trading business from HORISEN AG.

New Messaging Superhero - Link Mobility

However, they have decided to stay with HORISEN platforms for their daily business. HORISEN Messaging is the leading mobile messaging provider in Switzerland with more than 30% market share and a strong international network. With years of experience in Telecom and Mobile Marketing operations, HORISEN Messaging is the most reliable partner for wholesale bulk messaging business, handling international text messaging traffic from high-quality, responsive wholesale partners and partners with large retail volumes. Simultaneously, HORISEN AG keeps supporting them with its powerful Messaging Suite.

HORISEN provides us with reliable cutting-edge technology as well as exceptional support so our daily business does not get jeopardised. Additionally, it is quite important for us that HORISEN is a vendor-neutral company so we are not purchasing the platform from our competitor. That is a really big advantage” – says Michael Maginot from LINK Mobility CH.

HORISEN has a versatile history that has made us what we are today – a messaging technology vendor that supports messaging business of industry leaders like LINK Mobility. We have a history with LINK and I am more than happy they have decided not only to acquire the messaging part of HORISEN AG so we could focus on pure development but also to stay faithful to its foundation – messaging technology developed by HORISEN”. – states Fabrizio Salanitri, the CEO of HORISEN.

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