HORISEN Whitepaper

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Vendor-Neutral Messaging Platforms – Helping telcos soar into a new era of messaging connectivity

Messaging platform vendors are offering vendor-neutral messaging platforms combined with smart tools, and telcos can use these to more easily, quickly, and effectively engage with enterprise customers directly to generate revenue from app-to-person (A2P) SMS and SMS Internet of Things (IoT).**

Telcos are a trusted provider of communications services to consumer and enterprise customers, and as such hold a privileged position in the enterprise messaging value chain. But it is a position that telcos have not typically successfully leveraged: most have left revenue on the table for SMS aggregators, communications-platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) providers, and others. This situation could be about to change. Messaging platform vendors are offering vendor-neutral messaging platforms combined with smart tools, and telcos can use these to more easily, quickly, and effectively engage with enterprise customers directly to generate revenue from app-to-person (A2P) SMS and SMS Internet of Things (IoT).

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SMS platform flexible sales driven rule-based routing

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