
Yellow Mobile Mexico names HORISEN AG official SMS-Platform provider

Yellow Mobile Mexico names HORISEN AG official SMS-Platform provider

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Today, it was announced that Yellow Mobile has chosen HORISEN AG as their SMS-Platform provider to enable Enterprise messaging services. Yellow Mobile uses direct operator connections to offer a range of messaging and communication services to local companies who require international coverage. Vice President of Yellow Mobile, José A. García, based his selection process on an exacting list of requirements including the ability to provide high-performance SMS and MNP (Mobile Number Portability) routing flexibility and provide competitive international coverage.

Garcia elected HORISEN AG as the provider for Yellow Mobile because of their ability to provide a resilient platform, outstanding overall performance related to SMS transmission and MNP (Mobile Number Portability) resolution, as well as customer support excellence. As a result of working with the provider, Yellow Mobile was able to launch within 30 days featuring a total of 10 connections for clients and suppliers based on SMPP and HTTP. Additionally, they have been able to use the modularity of the platform to enable their customers the possibility to integrate a self-service Enterprise SMS Campaign Management Software.

HORISEN AG, with headquarters in Rorschach, has been offering SMS services since 2001 and celebrates the 15th anniversary of the company this year.

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